Posted by : Unknown Friday, December 7, 2018

Maslach burnout inventory p-. frequency intensity 4 5 1. 11. s i i1 111 iv i i1 i11 iv q- h -- emotional exhaustion i feel emotionally drained from my work i feel used up at the end of the workday i feel fatigued when i get up in the morning and have to face another day on the job working with people all. Psychometric properties and validity of a german version of the maslach burnout inventory (mbi-d) - a replication study among professionals caring for the elderly abstract. the psychometric properties and validity of a german version of the maslach burnout inventory were investigated among a sample of 362 professionals caring for the elderly.. Maslach-burnout inventory - burnout selbsttest! der test ist der verbreiteste und

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