Call of duty 4: modern warfare arms gamers with an arsenal of advanced and powerful modern day firepower and transports them to the most treacherous hotspots around the globe to take on a rogue enemy group threatening the world.. This is a server-side mod that offers several unique features. this adds a final killcam, a training area for search and destroy, admin options menus and more. it's kind of a hodge podge of things.. Download call of duty 4 modern warfare first person shooter game. the development of call of duty 4 modern warfare took two years. this game was developed by infinity ward and published by activision, later it was also released for mac..
Call of duty: infinite warfare and modern warfare
Call of duty 4: modern warfare pc game download – salah satu game simulasi perang yang cukup diminati para penyuka genre fps, itulah cod 4: mw.perang akan berlangsung di berbagai area dengan rekan tim sebagai pemandu. seperti umumnya call of duty, ada banyak jenis senjata yang dapat digunakan pemain, baik itu bawaan ataupun mengambil dari musuh yang sudah tepar.. Call of duty 4 modern warfare free download plot takes place in the year 2011 and a radical leader has killed the president of an anonymous country in the middle east. a nationalist movement starts a civil war in russia.. A well needed zoom script for call of duty 4, (any version should work) this has to be installed with another mod, a mod.ff is not included. this script is added to the mods iwd file, so no need to edit any mod.ff files..