Posted by : Unknown Saturday, March 2, 2019

Free running (usa) is a psp game but you can play it through ppsspp a psp emulator and this file is tested and really works. now you can play it on your android phone or ios device. game info:. Compress psp games from iso to cso. by. spike-march 5, 2014. 8. 4.50 out of 5 (6 votes) to convert iso to cso use the compress tab to convert cso to iso use the decompress tab, click the folder icon to search for the iso/cso and click the disk icon to select where to save it. finally click go! it’s the only one that can handle files. A file with the cso file extension is most likely a compressed iso image file. the format is also referred to as "ciso." cso was the first compression method available for iso images and is often the preferred method for archiving playstation portable games..

How to compress psp_game and umd_data.bin file into iso or ..."); //]]>

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